By John, 10 November, 2009

The two biggest things that have bothered me as maintainer of the Zen theme is:

  1. People complaining about Zen being bloated
  2. People actually using the Zen Classic sub-theme

With the latest release of Zen of I've tried to address both points. Zen 6.x-1.1 is now out and with it Zen has slimmed down… by jettisoning the Zen Classic sub-theme. :-)

Does this sub-theme make me look fat?

By John, 12 June, 2009

Please rate and vote for my “I’m coming to DrupalCon Paris video avalanche” response. A free Drupalcon Paris ticket means more beer money. Daddy needs beer! So give me some lovin’, Drupal community!

Did I mention I rap about Drupal in the video? So go watch the “John Albin Wilkins” one and vote for me! :-D (See the detailed voting instructions below.)

Also, I’m behind in the polls right now! Help!

By John, 12 May, 2009

Ok, I mentioned this in twitter a few weeks ago, I created an issue about it in D7’s issue queue, and there are 2 small print notes in the D6 theme guide, but I don’t think my message was visible enough. So let me just say for the record (again)…

Never, never, ever, ever use phptemplate_ as the prefix for your theme’s preprocess functions. Don’t do it! phptemplate_ prefix should talk to the hand! Expunge it from your memory. It’s an ex-prefix. Seriously, cut it out! So, let me re-phrase:

Every time you use phptemplate_ prefix,
God adds a pointless issue to Drupal’s issue queue.

Please, think of the issue queue!