By John, 14 February, 2008

After a month and a half beta period with only 5 bugs discovered (and squashed), the O-fficial Zen 5.x-1.0 version has been released. Yay!

Thanks to everyone who helped with new features, bug fixes and documentation suggestions! The help is greatly appreciated!

For those of you who haven't looked at Zen since its 5.x-0.6 days, take it for a spin. No longer do you need to un-theme the Deliciously Blue style out of Zen before adding your own styles. It’s a true base theme.

By John, 15 March, 2007

Back at the beginning of February, chx (a Drupal master coder) posted a story to Drupal’s homepage asking for people to come together and work on an “elusive login issue” that people had been reporting for over a year. Some users were reporting that no matter how many times they tried to login to Drupal, they would be promptly put back in front of the login form without the anticipated “Unrecognized username or password” error message.

By John, 10 March, 2007

Steven Wittens was a co-creator of Drupal’s beautiful default theme, Garland. And he has a thought-provoking post about the current state of design in the Drupal community and his frustrations in trying to improve it.

Many of the arguments in the comments to Steven’s blog were that designers tend not to collaborate. And that they can be difficult for programmers to work with. And that the Drupal community lacks many good designers. Some even said designers are prima-donnas and they don’t know CSS.

By John, 13 December, 2006

Drupal 4.7.4 has a bug in it regarding story previews. The teaser preferences allowed you to set the maximum length of a teaser, but the underlying code treated it as the minimum length of a teaser.

So, say you wanted a teaser that was 400 characters or less; what you would get was a teaser that was always 400 character or more. Ouch.

By John, 20 December, 2005

Information on how to create a firewall using ipfw is hard to come by. I’ve found bits and pieces of useful information in various places. I’m working on creating a tutorial on how to configure ipfw for Mac OS X, but in the mean time, here’s some information on the extremely low-level internet packet, ICMP.