By John, 16 August, 2024
Webpage saying: John Albin Wilkins on for 20 years with a picture of John when he was 31 years old

It's my 20th Drupalversary!

20 years ago I was looking for an open source CMS because I was tired of building everything on my own. I have never once regretted joining the Drupal community. We are so much more than a group of web developers.

Thank you to all the wonderful people I have befriended and worked with these past 20 years. I literally couldn’t have done it without all of you — that’s how Open Source works!

By John, 9 July, 2024
John speaking with Baddy, Nic and John during Talking Drupal #458 - Drupal and Next.js

I just spoke with the good folks at the Talking Drupal podcast to discuss my recent work on the Next Drupal project. Next Drupal is both a collection of Drupal modules to aid content editors with decoupled websites and a JavaScript tool to integrate Next.js with Drupal’s JSON:API or GraphQL capabilities.

We’re currently doing a major upgrade to version 2 of the JavaScript tool to work with the newest features of Next.js. And we need more contributors!

By John, 4 June, 2024
John wearing a "Blue Eye Samurai" tee and looking gravely at the camera

😢 Today was one of the most challenging days of my life…

My day started off with two panic attacks, one of which my mind very conveniently scheduled for the waiting area of my therapist’s office. 😂 But I want to quickly assure you that I’m feeling much better now.

I’ve been slowly recognizing a past trauma and the panic was triggered when I realized that I only partially understand that trauma’s effects. I’ve still got work to do.

By John, 9 May, 2021
Tailwindcss > Bootstrap

At Drupalcon North America, I gave a presentation talking about my experience with the hot new CSS utility class system, Tailwind. I definitely learned a lot while working with it, the good, the bad, the ugly.

TLDR; Tailwind is better than Bootstrap.

The slides and video of the presentation are available in the presentations section of my website.